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Blog Post #5- BBG Ch. 5

When reading this chapter quite a few things jumped out at me but there’s two topics that really stood out on top of it all. First there was choosing a topic that is you, and is it something you can stick with. This is important because if it’s a topic that you don’t like you are most likely not going to write an interesting paper. Why? Because you aren’t interested in the topic itself. The other statement that stood out was not to choose something that is not out of reach and you will be able to find resources about. You cant write a paper about a topic that doesn’t have any resources to pull from. You would have to know everything about it and then it wouldn’t be a research paper. Plus you probably wouldn’t be able to eloquently put the words together.



This is a great space to write long text about your company and your services. You can use this space to go into a little more detail about your company. Talk about your team and what services you provide. Tell your visitors the story of how you came up with the idea for your business and what makes you different from your competitors. Make your company stand out and show your visitors who you are. Tip: Add your own image by double clicking the image and clicking Change Image.



10/31/23:  Scandinavian Art Show


11/6/23:  Video Art Around The World


11/29/23:  Lecture: History of Art


12/1/23:  Installations 2023 Indie Film Festival

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